Welcome To Tania del Rio’s Well-being Coaching

Tania Del Rio A., PhD. / Hintsa Performance Certified Coach / Mental Well-being Advocate / Host to Postcards From Paris Podcast

Meet Tania

Bonjour! I'm Tania Del Rio, a Paris-based multicultural coach with a unique journey spanning three countries and a professional transition from scientific research to well-being coaching. My professional expertise in well-being, combined with my personal journey in managing anxiety, has given me a diverse perspective that I offer to high-achieving professionals and entrepreneurs navigating life's complex transitions.

Well-being Coaching Approach

Rooted in a profound passion for mental well-being and performance, I blend mindfulness-based practices with the core principles of the Hintsa Coaching Methodology. This powerful combination of mindful awareness and core principles serves as a strong foundation for the coaching process, helping you understand where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there.

At the core of the well-being coaching journey are some key areas to explore:

  • Future Life Vision

  • Reflecting on Identity

  • Recognising Avenues of Opportunities

  • Nurturing Values

  • Capitalizing on Strengths

  • Engaging Interests

Coaching Programs

  • START (Stand Tall and Relax Today): In just three sessions, you'll address the fundamentals of stress management and acquire essential tools to begin your journey toward well-being.

  • ALIGN: With this one month sprint, you'll have the opportunity to dive deeper into the core principles and reflections, and will receive additional support tailored to your needs.

  • ELEVATE: This six-month program aims to foster lasting behavior change and a well-rounded well-being toolkit, covering the six elements of the Hintsa Coaching Methodology (General Health, Mental Energy, Sleep & Recovery, Physical Activity, Biomechanics, and Nutrition).

What Do Coaching Clients Have in Common?

  • Working long hours, requiring sustained concentration and a constant state of presence, engagement, and focus.

  • Appreciation for learning new skills and understanding the effects of stress on the body & mind connection.

  • Curiosity about how mind-body practices can enhance their performance, mental clarity, and interpersonal interactions.

  • A readiness to upgrade their habits, especially those linked to stress management.

  • Eagerness to connect with what feels meaningful to them on a daily basis.

  • A desire for positive change.

What Results Can You Expect?

Even if your life may feel at times “like a 10,000 piece puzzle to be solved immediately”, you can learn practices to slow down, stand tall, breathe with ease, and gain a new perspective. Through the coaching process, you'll create space for reflection, gaining insight into where you currently are and your vision for the future. The coaching process is about understanding your unique situation, bringing awareness, and taking micro-steps towards aligning habits, thoughts, and actions, with your life vision. By working together, you will navigate life transitions with personalized support, learning to appreciate everyday life moments in new ways. You will expand your well-being toolkit, create space for reflection, and learn how to "stand tall and relax today". Achieving these outcomes is possible.

Complimentary Consultation

Interested in my programs or events? Book a complimentary 30-minute phone call to ensure our goals and expectations align before we start working together.

During this session, we will:

  • Clarify Your Main Challenge or Objective: We'll discuss your primary concerns and goals.

  • Determine How I Can Help: We'll explore how my expertise can support you or your team.

  • Answer Your Questions: You'll have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

If we both agree that my services are a good fit for your needs, we'll discuss the potential for working together and outline what that might look like. To book a session, please send a message here.

Coaching Languages

English, Spanish or French

Client Testimonials

🇺🇸 “The progress was clear that I had gone from someone who had dreamed of doing certain things to a person who had already accomplished those things.”

When I started the coaching program with Tania, I came with a giant bouquet of goals and items that I wanted to integrate into my current lifestyle. I was overwhelmed and didn’t know where to begin. Her holistic approach helped me to gain awareness of how my goals were interconnected. She pointed out where I could take a single step to simultaneously move forward towards multiple goals and encouraged me to utilize the resources that I already have access to. In each session we identified small actionable items to take, which held me accountable and built momentum. When we recapped at the beginning of each new session, the progress was clear that I had gone from someone who had dreamed of doing certain things to a person who had already accomplished those things.

The biggest tangible change I have noticed since the beginning of the program has been that I have given myself permission to integrate my needs and desires into daily life. I challenge myself to maintain constant awareness of what my body and mind need throughout the day: breaks from sitting in front of the computer, taking conference calls while walking in the park, spending 5 minutes to rebalance before each meeting, packing a healthy snack for myself.

I would describe Tania as very kind, positive, motivating and a great listener. She is quick to connect the dots and is solution focused.

- Danielle

🇺🇸 I would recommend Tania to anyone who is going through life transitions like moving to a new city or country, starting retirement, new job or vocation, or starting a new business.

My top goals upon starting to work with Tania were enabling and supporting myself through a significant life transition and setting up clear goals for the next phase of my life. Tania was able to help me work toward these goals by introducing a set of coaching tools, strong sense of purpose, and clarity in objective setting while balancing that with supportive gentleness.

I would recommend Tania to anyone who is going through life transitions like moving to a new city or country, starting retirement or new job or vocation, starting a new business. Tania is an experienced coach that is a great enabler in any life transition and I can’t thank her enough for her gentle, well guided, and foundational support.

- Coaching client, June 2024

🇲🇽 Tania fue capaz de ayudarme a través de la implementación de técnicas de manejo de concentración y manejo del estrés.

Estoy sumamente satisfecho con el programa de acompañamiento ya que me ayudó mental y físicamente en un periodo complicado de mi vida. Mis objetivos fueron: mejorar mi manejo del estrés; formalizar mi visión personal y profesional a futuro, tener más herramientas para mi desarrollo personal. Tania fue capaz de ayudarme a través de la implementación de técnicas de manejo de concentración y manejo del estrés, formularios de bienestar, herramientas para mejorar hábitos de una manera positiva, identificación de cualidades y fortalezas propias, y un apoyo personalizado que siempre estuvo a la escucha de mis necesidades y problemas.  

- Francisco


🇫🇷 Le plus grand changement tangible a été la sensation d’être moins seule et accompagnée dans la gestion du stress et de sentir ma capacité à y faire face. 

Mes trois principaux objectifs lorsque j'ai commencé à travailler avec Tania étaient : 1) gérer mon stress et être à l’écoute de mes émotions pour qu’elles ne prennent pas le dessus ; 2) réussir à m’alimenter avec plaisir ; 3) réussir mes examens dans mon parcours professionnel. Tania a pu m'aider: 1) en me donnant des conseils et des pratiques faciles à mettre en place, 2) en étant disponible et à l’écoute même en dehors des séances, 3) en étant bienveillante et encourageante sans jugement. Le plus grand changement tangible a été la sensation d’être moins seule et accompagnée dans la gestion du stress et de sentir ma capacité à y faire face. 

- Rebecca