Pause, Breathe & Rebalance Outdoors

Mindful Walks with Tania Del Rio, Ph.D. / Nature Inspired Well-being Coach Specialised in Stress Management

This unique mindful walk experience created by Tania Del Rio, offers you a chance to experience a brief well-being retreat amidst the hustle and bustle of the busy every day life in Paris. This immersive mindful guided experience will help you reconnect with nature, find tranquility, and create space to recenter within the magnificent landscape of the Parisian outdoors. Join us in this innovative and calming experience to help tourists and locals alike find a moment of ease in the heart of Paris. Time: 90 Minutes.


Here is a sample Video of a mindful walk at Tuileries Garden

Individual Coaching Walks / Group Experiences / Team Building Events


Postcards From Paris Podcast was inspired by the Many mindful walks Tania HAS LEaD AND EXPERIENCED… To learn more ABOUT THE PODCAST, folow the link below.


An article written for INSPIRELLE on a Group Tree Experiment That Tania lead On 2022. To read, please click on the link below.