🚗 Can you “test drive” a 1-minute habit?

Can you test drive a one-minute habit in  Paris ? Mindfulness meditation, mental performance

🗓 As we approach the end of June, we reflect on a month filled with busy activities and intense workloads combined with end of the school year activities and parties.

📚 It’s a familiar scenario for many of us, especially those living in vibrant cities like Paris.

🎯 To navigate this demanding period effectively, it’s crucial to employ strategies that help us maintain focus while ensuring sufficient time for recovery.

🧘‍♂️ As a coach, I often recommend a powerful technique to my clients: learning to create space where it seemed impossible before.

🌅 A remarkable advantage of this time of the year is the early sunrises, which provide a unique opportunity to be in a calm and tranquil environment before the workday begins.

Today, I want to share this message with you:

- If the school year, or this month has felt more intense that you would have liked,

- If you struggle to find time for exercise, journaling, or meditation,

- If you catch yourself scrolling through your phone first thing in the morning,

🏊‍♀️ Know that you can take action to address these challenges.

☀️ Seize the opportunity of July’s slower pace to “test drive” new habits.

- Select one habit that resonates with you.

- Start with the simplest version of that habit.

- Add it to your summer calendar, designating a specific time for it.

- Share your idea with someone else, creating accountability and support.

- Explore possibilities and variations.

- Keep it simple, meaningful, flexible, and fun.

📝 While I personally prefer tracking my habits using pen and paper, feel free to choose a method that suits you best.

⏰ Never underestimate the power of 1-minute habits. They are more powerful than you could ever imagine... but you won’t fully grasp their impact until you try.

🏃🏼‍♀️ Whether it’s a one-minute meditation, a brief stretch, a spontaneous dance break, or any other activity, I am convinced that you can upgrade your habits incrementally, testing them for 30-day periods.

🤩 So, if you were to choose a 1-minute habit for July, what would that be? Let this be the starting point of the next 30 days!