🌺 What inspires your daily commitment to key habits?

Sunrise Paris July 2023

πŸ‘£ Every morning, as I wake up and set to savour the sunrise, I'm reminded of the unique opportunity that each day holds.

β˜€οΈ There will never be another July 2nd, 2023, with the exact same sunrise in Paris.

🌳 That's why I make the conscious choice to collect one more morning outdoors, finding meaning in the experience.

πŸ’¨ Time is going fast, and if I miss the opportunity, it's gone. But I can choose to seize the day and embrace the challenge.

πŸ—“ This perspective applies to 30-day challenges but also to running races, creative projects, or work deadlines that I undertake.

To navigate these endeavours successfully, I follow a few key strategies:

πŸŒ… Connect with your Why:

Remind yourself why completing this challenge, program, race, project, or well-being goal is important and meaningful to you.

πŸŠβ€β™€οΈ Welcome the Present Moment:

Instead of focusing on the long journey ahead, bring your attention to the here and now. This makes it easier to build momentum and stay motivated.

πŸ’ͺ Hold on to Courage:

Courage can become a guiding force that helps you move forward. Be ready to jump through obstacles, which sometimes are created by our own minds.

☎️ Share Your Progress:

Stay connected to your accountability partner or support system to gain encouragement and a sense of connection that can help you stay on track.

πŸŽ‰ Celebrate Each Day:

Recognize and celebrate the fact that you are showing up today! I am celebrating that I was able to β€œcatch” today’s sunrise and I’m sharing it with you here.


❓ Which is the smallest viable step (one-minute counts!) you can take today to stay aligned with your purpose this month?