How can I upgrade my morning routine?

Paris Sunrise Project 2023


How can I upgrade my morning routine?

Back in December of 2018, I asked myself that question.

I made the decision then to be more intentional about my morning routine.

I’ve kept that commitment over the past 1500 + days. Yes, over 4 years.

My morning practice has evolved, there have been ups and downs, but I have stayed present, not taking any morning for granted.

I’ve realized that the choice is always there: being distracted or being present. Perhaps for some of us, being present requires a more intentional infrastructure in our morning habits and routines, more effort and determination, but it is worth it.

This year, I’ve renewed my commitment to continue to savor the sunrises during 2023. There will be stunning ones, like today. There will be grey ones, and rainy ones, but I will be there paying attention, observing carefully, and taking notes. Because the energy I collect in the mornings, propels me forward the rest of the day.

Which part of your morning routine makes you feel present and calm?