🎒 Which habits will you ‘pack’ in your suitcase this summer?

stress management coach, mindfulness; summer , habits; daily practice, meditation, body & mind

🚂 One of the key habits that I bring with me everywhere I go, is my mindfulness practice.


🧠 What is mindfulness?

According to Jon Kabat-Zinn: “Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and without judgement”.


Over 20 years ago, when I was a doctoral student doing research in the field of developmental genetics, I was convinced that yoga was not for me.

I ran away from a yoga studio in New York City the very first time I was going to try a yoga class.

The only reason why I finally decided to give it a try, is because I heard it could help me manage the overwhelming sense of anxiety I was experiencing at the time.

It did. 

Years of consistent practice have taught me that both yoga and a daily mindful living practice, are key habits that come with me wherever I go.

🧘🏻‍♀️ Meditation helps my unquiet mind stay aligned and focused on what matters.

If you are ready to take advantage of your time outdoors this summer and would like to train your attention to be in the present moment, below are simple ideas you can experiment with.


One minute is a great start:


👀 Observe the environment in front of you, bring all your attention there, notice details that you might not see otherwise.

👂 Bring your attention to your ears, notice the sounds that surround you (i.e., birds, wind, waves, leaves, dogs barking, people speaking, etc.)

🌳 Touch the bark of a tree, the leaves or water, bring your attention fully there. Notice the sensentions as your skin comes in contact with nature.

🌻 Slow down and smell the flowers, you might discover that not all roses smell alike.

🍒 If you come across a strawberry, a cherry, or other seasonal food, take a moment to bring all your attention to the flavors and textures as you chew.


I’m curious, which of these would you be willing to experiment with this summer?