September 2022



I hope that you are having an easy transition from the summer holidays into more active “going back to school” routines.

This is the time of the year where everyone is back and eager to meet, re-connect, as events, classes, and many other activities re-open and our calendars start to fill up quickly.

While all of this is fantastic, my message for you today is to pause for a moment. To take a few minutes to think what is it that you really need to welcome into your life this month.

  • If you were to set an intention for the month of September, which one would that be?

  • If there was one thing that you could do for your health and well-being this month, which one would you focus on?

September is a key month that will set the tone, the pace, and the mindset for the following months. So, I encourage you to create space, to pause and think on what you really need to do to feel better, to think better and to manage your energy properly so that it lasts.

It doesn't matter that everyone around you is running, you can choose to walk instead.

You might discover that while walking, you can create space to observe your environment and pay attention to details that you never saw before.

Find your pace, chose your habits, and take time to set your routines.

Observe carefully and notice what works best for you and your lifestyle.

I know that for me, as usual, having a strong morning practice helps me anchor my day, my mind, and my emotions in the right place to make it through the day efficiently.

Wishing you a Happy, Healthy and Zen "rentrée" (as they say in France) for this "going back to school month".

Kind regards,


ps. If you would like support to get your routines and mindset in place to maximize your performance and well-being, send me a message and we can discuss if one of the coaching programs is right for you.

Tania DelRio A